Adverse Preclinical Events – Now What?

Drug development is a complicated, often convoluted process.  The ability to predict drug toxicity in humans from nonclinical data remains a major challenge. قوانين البوكر   Since you can’t “erase” an adverse event, optimization of preclinical dose...

Is Pharmaceutical Collaboration an Oxymoron?

With the rise of combination therapy – the use drugs with different mechanisms of action to combat a specific disease state – comes the need to address medical costs and reimbursement issues. مواقع رهان   Joint negotiation of package deals with government and...

Translational Toxicology: Biomarker Development

Biomarker use in translational medicine is predicated upon preclinical qualification and validation – 2 distinct steps in the biomarker development process. ivermectina tiene penicilina   Prior to issue in 2009 (EMA) and 2010 (FDA, PMDA) of the renal-specific...

Personalized Medicine: Friend or Foe?

For pharmaceutical companies, is personalized medicine more of a threat than an opportunity? ivermectin horse dewormer dose for dogs   In addition to the development of new drugs, genetic information can also help target the use of current medications (e. how soon...

Advantages of Incremental Innovation in Drug Development

Ideally, every new drug would represent an unprecedented breakthrough and lead to the creation of a completely novel treatment. This, however, is not the reality of the pharmaceutical industry, or of any other development-based industry. Creating drugs based on...