FDA Uses Linguamatics to Increase Drug Safety

Linguamatics, the leader in natural language processing (NLP)-based text mining, announced that the Federal Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has licensed its 12E text mining platform as a discovery and decision support...

Assessing Safety Earlier in Drug Development

The objective of a recent survey by Cambridge Health Associates was to identify trends in safety biomarkers and their utilization in drug development. casino888   Regardless of company size, recurrent themes for assessing drug safety in early preclinical development...

FDA Pharamacogenomic Biomarker Database

Pharmacogenomics can play an important role in identifying responders and non-responders to medications, avoiding adverse events, and optimizing drug dose. Drug labels may contain information on genomic biomarkers and can describe: Drug exposure and clinical response...

Translational Toxicology: Biomarker Development

Biomarker use in translational medicine is predicated upon preclinical qualification and validation – 2 distinct steps in the biomarker development process. ivermectina tiene penicilina   Prior to issue in 2009 (EMA) and 2010 (FDA, PMDA) of the renal-specific...