Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of  Vienna have developed a light-field laser imaging system that generates 3D movies of entire brains at a millisecond timescale to create a complete “living” brain map. ترتيب البوكر   The research thereby offers a more complete picture of nervous system activity than has been previously possible. كيفية لعب القمار    The technique is envisioned to elucidate how entire neural circuits operate to generate behavior, thereby empowering new therapeutic strategies for neurological and psychiatric disorders.  To date the system has been used to simultaneously image the activity of every neuron in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans as well as the entire brain of a zebrafish larva.  Such an approach could help researchers learn more about the biological basis of brain disorders and monitor the reactions of the nervous system to drugs and other substances in the body.  The researchers believe that the “ability to survey activity throughout a nervous system may help pinpoint the cells or networks that are involved with a brain disorder, leading to new ideas for therapies.”  In addition, this technique may be useful for mechanistic toxicology to help determine the relevance of adverse events for human safety. العاب النت الحقيقيه

Source:  Drug Development News