Drug safety may be underestimated for chronic-use drugs. does revolution have ivermectin in it  The FDA has placed more resources and requirements in evaluating drugs premarket than it does in monitoring what happens to patients after years of taking a medication.  Drugs that have recently underscored the potential dangers of chronic use are Avandia (diabetes; enhanced cardiovascular risk) and bisphosphonates (e. ivermectin dose for large dog to treat mites g., Fosamax, Actonel, and Boniva;  enhanced bone fracture/degeneration risks). precio de quanox gotas   Although one proposed solution is the development of a national database that would track drug use and complications, this does not necessarily address duration of use, presence/duration of concomitant medications/supplements, patient age and medical history, genetic predisposition, etc.   Predominant trends will likely be noted using the proposed methodology, but a more multifaceted analysis will still be necessary to optimize the risk/benefit for individual patients.

Source: FairWarning